Monday, October 5, 2009

Meet Lonny

I went through the five stages of grief when I received the postcard announcing the end of Cottage Living. HOW could they pull the plug on my lifeline to all things quaint and cozy?  And then there was the end of was too much.

Actually, it was a cruel reminder that the economy affects everything - even great shelter magazines.

Those that share my love of interior decoration cling to these publications as much more than words on paper - they are talismans guiding us with knowledge and know-how that we can apply to our world. They are tools that serve a purpose beyond light reading. You'll never see us toss an issue.

So when I heard about Lonny, I was beyond intrigued. It was to be a design magazine, kinda similar to domino, but in an online platform. Wait, what? A web-based design magazine? Ummm....yes, please.

image from Lonny magazine

Lonny is the creation of fabric designer and blogger Michelle Adams (Rubie Green; MA Belle)and professional photographer Patrick Cline (Brand-Arts). He's a Londoner, she's a New Yorker - hence Lonny. Both saw a need for a publication that would demystify design and put decorative ideas into real terms (much like the late domino where Michelle had worked).

They also understood the hurdles and limitations of traditional print so decided to create Lonny as an online venture. The expansive platform would allow them to create in-depth stories with lots of photography without worry of page count. Not to mention that the Web would effortlessly sync users to the items shown in the magazine - do you like Kate Simpson's towels? or Grace Bonney's wall hook? Click on it!...and you are taken to the product online. Brilliant.

So Sunday morning, before Carter got up, I snuck downstairs, made myself a cup of coffee, curled up in our big chair with my laptop and clicked, clicked, clicked.

I was delighted to see there were almost 200 pages to get through. The issue had a whopping seven featured homes (all in or near New York) showcasing different styles. I was especially interested in seeing the homes of Eddie Ross and Grace Bonney - they did not disappoint. The writing of the magazine (by Shawn Gauthier) is very familiar and straightforward - makes you feel comfortable as you flip the pages and read about the people whose homes you are viewing.

image from Lonny magazine

Grace Bonney's bedroom

Lonny is peppered with some fashion pieces - fashion design and interior design tend to trend similarly so they are a natural combination, but I like that fashion was used as an accent with the focus staying on interiors.

One page that I look forward to seeing developed is the how-to page - for a DIY-er like me, I'm always interested in learning about achieving a look or creating something unique on my own. The page had good ideas, but for the audience that I think the magazine appeals to, it could be a heartier section (maybe profiling one good project each issue?).

But the meat of the mag was certainly in the features. Such different takes on interiors (and exteriors) with great accompanying photography - Kate Simpson's sophisticated beach house, Eddie Ross and Jaithan Kochar's farmhouse, a Manhattan apartment styled by Ron Marvin and another by Carolina Irving (her own home), Grace Bonney's Brooklyn apartment, a renovation by Laurent Girard and Leonora Mahle, and the gardens and home of Deborah Needleman. Two hundred pages are a lot to take in, so I'm only hitting the highlights. If you are a shelter pub fiend visit The premiere issue was delightful and I expect it to get better as it makes its entrée into the design world.

Below is my favorite image from the issue. It's of Kate Simpson's bathroom (she was a Senior Market Editor for domino). Have I told you how much I looove wallpaper? Well I do, and this one is divine. And those towels! The monogram is so Chinoiserie (I of course clicked on those puppies and was taken here). Enjoy Lonny!

 image from Lonny magazine

UPDATE: Eddie Ross' blog is profiling Lonny from his perspective having been featured. He also includes some pictures of Michelle and Patrick in action - fun to see. Read his post here...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/08/2009

    Thank you so much for the shout out!
