Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fabric Loot

She's beautiful, isn't she? Her name is Azalea.

I found her at The Second Yard in Fairfax, Va. on Saturday. It was my first time visiting this shop and I would recommend it if you are local and looking for fabric. The fabrics in the shop definitely lean more toward the traditional, but they had a very nice selection arranged by color and affordable prices. You can also order any of the designer fabrics through them - they have all the major books to flip through.

So, as I wandered up and down the aisles of fabric after fabric (half in a daze, half drooling), I happened upon Azalea. It was love at first sight. Shades of lavender and green....a lattice background...a traditional Southern print done in a fresh color scheme...oh dear, could it get any better?

Yes! It could! My dear Azalea was 60% off! (At this point I'm breaking into a sweat with excitement)

AND she was a Greeff print...as in fabulous fabric maker Greeff that is now under the Schumacher brand and oh-so pricey (do they even make fabric under the Greeff name anymore?) AND (I know...it's a lot to handle) she was a screen print done as part of the Historic Savannah Collection. Official Southern charm to boot.

I obvi snapped up the bolt and bought every last bit that they had - which unfortunately was only six yards, and I need ten for my drapes. After an intense online search, I have a feeling this fabric is available nowhere in my immediate reach (I'm not sure it is even printed anymore).

My plan is thus to make drapes with an "exaggerated" bottom border done in a coordinating solid fabric (probably a lavender linen). If you can imagine, dear Azalea will run about 54" tall, and the bottom of the drape will be a solid lavender taking up about 36". Sounds a little odd, but I did see something similar in this month's Southern Living (the dining room makeover), so I have faith it will work.

Now that I have my drapery fabric, I have my designBoard for the dining room ready to go. I'll be sharing it tomorrow....


  1. I love it. Some of my favorite fabrics have been discontinued and vintage ones with odd amounts of yardage and I have always figured something out. Can't wait to see your board.

  2. Thanks SR2 - I do love that it is a print I haven't seen before (and probably will never see in the future). The odd yardage will add some quirk to the dining room - which I always enjoy :)

  3. It's like it was meant to be--as though God, for just a brief moment, put the other cares of the world aside, and sent you to The Second Yard. Can't wait to see how you make it work.

  4. I did see a little ray of light streaming onto the bolt as I approached it...and there WAS that chorus of angels perched on the display...hmmmm....

  5. You have such an eye for fabric! Looking at fabric completely overwhelms me (so does the sewing of it). I wish you could come out to LA and help me with my house :(

  6. Thanks Alison. If only LA were a bit closer :)
