Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Holiday Inspiration

Sooooo...much to Carter's dismay, I chunked last year's Christmas decorating scheme and started anew for 2009. The red/burgundy/gold scheme did not play nicely with the look of our new home. Carter had a little trouble with that...on the other hand, my mother-in-law grasped it immediately. Over Thanksgiving she said, "D, are you doing a green and white Christmas tree this year?" Yes, dear M-I-L, yes I am.

So, I've been on the hunt for some inspirational photos to get me in the green mood...and unfortunately was not finding anything. Until I came across a post on The Glam Lamb blog chock full of fabulous green holiday decor.

TGL referenced Good Housekeeping, so I went straight to the source and checked them out. Here are the images (again if you caught them on TGL) to show you some inspiration for AO Christmas 2009 TM:

all images via goodhousekeeping.com, photos by Michael Partenio


Love! I don't have all of these props to get so beautifully monochromatic in our living room, but I am definitely keying off that beautiful tree for our own - love those bows!

The plan for the dining room is to use my set of  jewel-toned ornaments - they will look great with the room's lavender tones. And the kitchen will pay Christmas homage to El Salvador (where I was born and where most of my extended family resides) - Carter and I visited in May and we bought some Christmas items to bring back - can't wait to use them!

I of course will be posting when all is complete - we're almost done...

Are you doing a fun color scheme in your home? Leave me a comment and tell me about it...


  1. Super pretty! We have so much white in our home I haven't decided yet on what colors do use and not use this year.

  2. That's the beauty of white BA...you can do anything with it!

  3. green and white would be so nice at my house. our main tree is brown, gold, cream and leopard. we have 2 alice in wonderland themed trees, with a grand total of 3 right now....do i dare craft another like yours?!? maybe...

  4. Kitty, your trees sound amazing! Alice in Wonderland?? Pictures please!

  5. I saw this ornament today on Etsy and thought of your color scheme.

  6. As a matter of fact, darling, you can see the Alice trees on my blog Cabbages and Kings. They're not the finished products, since I can't quit messing with them, but you can get the general idea. Thank you so much for asking! xo kitty.

  7. Not doing a holiday decor theme, myself, as we are visiting family Stateside for Christmas, but my sister does a very similar green motif, and I live vicariously through her. It is a lovely and fresh take on a traditional, holiday color. Can't wait to see your final results!

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do.
