Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Budget Chinoiserie Bar

I received my March issue of House Beautiful in the mail yesterday...HB day is always an exciting day of the month. I only made it a couple of pages in last night, but I caught a FAB find that I'm crazy about.

Check out this amazing tray table featured in the "The Best" section (written by Jennifer Boles of The Peak of Chic):

This pictures isn't quite as good as the one in HB, but hopefully you see the cool factor of this would make the PERFECT Chinoiserie bar. Forget the fruit and coffee cup...layer it up with pretty bottles and glasses and some cocktail napkins and you're all set. And the size is great to go in small spaces or to move from room to room as needed when you entertain. 

I could also see this piece painted a delicious lacquer red...or lacquer navy...or lacquer green....the possibilities are endless! And did you catch the mirrored bottom? Again...perfect to reflect all of your pretty barware. I WANT this...but have nowhere to put it :( Booooo.

And you know I'm holding out the best part for you...guess where it's from?? KMART. And guess how much it costs? On sale for $70! And I think it is currently free shipping. Click here to buy it.

A fun piece at a great that combo every time.

UPDATE: Head over to the Pemberley Style blog - Amy does a comparison of this table to pricier (almost EXACT) versions...I love it!


  1. Too funny, I called Kmart and put two of these on hold this AM to use as tray tables when we eat in front of the TV. I had been searching TJ Maxx for a Jonathan Adler look alike that High Heeled Foot in the Door posted about a few weeks ago but all of the local stores were sold out. I haven't been in a Kmart in so long...I'll have to see what other goodies they have. Kmart is also offering free shipping on these at the moment, fyi.

  2. Oh Susie, you are all over this! Did you catch it in HB too? And yes - the free shipping makes it great if you don't have a Kmart nearby (ours is kind of far away)...enjoy them!

  3. Love the table too! Plan on ordering one today.

  4. Oh I'm jealous Pemberley! You're getting one...Susie is getting TWO...Chinoiserie Chic got one. Boo, boo, boo. I want one (as I shake my fists like a petulant child). I've literally turned it around in my brain all morning where I could put it...I'll keep thinking!

  5. Hi,
    I just found your blog and love it!!
    I've been a fan of chinoiserie for as long as I can remember. I would call my style chinoiserie coastal.
    I love your background and logo! I'm adding you to my blogroll. Please come say Hi when you get a moment :)
    I think you would love my post "Chinoiserie Fireplace" It was featured on Chinoiserie Chic a few months ago. Have a lovely day...

  6. Welcome Therese...will definitely check out your blog! Chinoiserie coastal sounds divine!

  7. yes, go check out La Dolfina. you will faint dead away, especially the pictures of her own home. to die for. thought of you yesterday while i was hauling out a cart and a trolley of cool stuff from Home Goods! xo kitty

  8. Oooo...Kitty, you know I love nothing more than excellent HomeGoods loot!

  9. I am loving this issue of HB! Lots of gorgeous blue (the spread of Tobi Fairley's new project is AMAZING) and a whole feature on ginger jars!

  10. It's a good one Averill...I loved the mini ginger jars they showed from World Market...may need to get those!

  11. Great drinks tray - fabulous find! Can't email out atm as am away (not sure why???) but don't worry about time etc. I know you are busy and will fit me in when you can! KG (check out my post about Pigotts store - you will love it!!!)

  12. I do love it KG!!! I want to steal that white table with all the glass vases on it! And thanks for your patience :)

  13. Ha! D, I saw this in my new subscription too and immediately thought of you! The Hagstettes will have one too.

  14. Alas, they are sold out for now.

  15. Oh, boo Elise! That's too bad...keep an eye out though...they'll probably restock!

  16. I tried ordering one this am before I knew everyone was posting about them...way to go girls...they are sold out! I'm consoling myself with antlers...stop by...and as I told Beth..a drink!

  17. I know Acorn :( I saw a couple of posts about the table in the blogo-world today...I don't think Kmart was ready for our onslaught! But hopefully the popularity will make them restock soon!

  18. You can order the same table through the Sears website!

  19. Wait what??? Nice work Elise!!!

  20. AO,
    Thanks!!! I am such a spas with all the numbers and letters so I just did the search through Sears and found it...too funny...wonder why HB didn't know this? Sorry about your trip....can't wait for more shoveling! Enjoy your weekend in the great indoors!
