Thursday, March 11, 2010

Greek Key Trim Source

My pelmet box post prompted a couple of questions about the source of the Greek key trim that I used. For those of you that didn't catch the source that I left in the comments, I thought I would devote a post to this amazing trim. Doesn't everything look better with a little Greek key? Or is that just me?

For any of you crafty decorators, it's no surprise that my trim came from the ribbon/trim/notions powerhouse M&J Trimming. Camila over at High-Heeled Foot in the Door recently posted some pix from the NYC brick & mortar store here - they show my concept of what heaven would be.

For those non-NYCers, they have a really great online store, where I found my trim for the pelmet box...and it comes in 16 amazing colors! Here are a few:

This trim is a gorgeous jacquard with a beautiful weight to it - perfect for home dec jobs. It's wonderful quality, so it's not inexpensive - $11.98 a yard. But, it can add a huge effect to otherwise inexpensive fabric. Click here to purchase.

My other go-to source online for Greek key trim is Lewis and Sharon Textile Co. Their home base is in Atlanta (I think) but again, they have a really great website - not only for trim, but also for boatloads of a-m-a-z-i-n-g fabric - I spend LOTS of time on this website.

Here are some colorways of their "Athena Tape":

This trim is also $12/yard and available in nine colors. Click here to purchase (enter "Athena" in search box).

Does anyone have other Greek key trim resources to share? I'm always on the lookout!


  1. Hi Daniela,

    I love your trimmed curtain panels and pelmet box - looks gorgeous! I recently bought 10 yds of greek key trim for about $20 on ebay from "patchwork panda". There is also a vendor "celtic trims" that seems to have a great selection at decent prices. When my blog is up and running, I'll post pics of my greek key projects :)

    - Alicia

  2. I should note that the ebay trim was not wonderful quality. It looks beautiful, but is not a heavy jacquard... so, it is best used for decoration (such as window treatments) - but not for upholstery/pillows.

  3. Anonymous6/26/2012

    The nicest Greek key by far is from Samuel &Sons. It's embroidered feel and contemporary colors are superior to all others.

  4. Anonymous10/06/2012

    hi i am looking for greek key boarder to decoration the bathroom

  5. That green fabric trim is scrummy!!! M&J is a TOTAL mecca...
