Thursday, April 1, 2010


Photo by Michael Luppino

I understand this is a horrid scan (note to self: get better scanner) of an otherwise fabulous image, but you can see the magic, can't you?

I am taken by it.

I obvi love the ginger jar, but other than that, I'm not crazy about any of the elements alone - the table, the painting, the books - but together...they are SO good. I absolutely love the juxtaposition of the colorful ginger jar with the modern painting set against a neutral/stark background. Who's with me?

This little gem came from the current issue of Renovation Style. The home is located on Long Island and was renovated and decorated by Smiros & Smiros Architects with their in-house designer Lori Wolk.

A foyer is on my list of rooms I wish I had. Other rooms include a sunroom and a dressing room.


  1. I think this picture just shows how it's often the combination of things (i.e., the design), not the things themselves, that really make a room sing.

  2. And it's interesting how the painting picks up the colours of the vase, while being completely different in style - unity in diversity sort of thing.

  3. Unity in diversity - I like that :)

  4. That combination is so pretty.
