Thursday, May 27, 2010

Artful Inspiration

A month or two ago, Carter and I spent a lovely day enjoying Washington DC and we made a stop at the National Portrait Gallery. One of the first paintings we saw seized my attention something fierce and I snapped a shot with my phone:

In my excitement, I totally neglected to jot down the details (actually I thought I had, but can't find them!), but isn't this work nice? I was in love with the colors and overall purple-ness and it was HUGE, so I loved the scale. Gorgeous. I keep thinking about definitely made an impression on  me. I would love to decorate a room around this painting.

Seeing as how I can't exactly purchase this painting, I shall now look to Etsy to see if I find similar art - I'm sure it's out there. Do you have any favorite Etsy artists?? Or, have you tried your hand at painting your own abstract works?? Do tell either way (ooo, and send pix if you did one yourself).


  1. that IS gorgeous!! i love the colours!

  2. Anonymous5/27/2010

    D, that's Milton Avery, one of my favorite artists. If you like Avery, I think you'll like Arthur Dove as well, another American Modernist. And if you like this painting, you're not the only Virginian. Charles Wright, one of UVa.'s famous poets, began one of his most famous poems with a reference to it. Check out "Thinking of Winter At the Beginning of Summer."

  3. Leave it to you Tyler to know that (and tie it to UVa to boot) - thanks!
