Tuesday, May 4, 2010

OKL Alert: Vintage Print

Holy moly, have you seen the offerings from Vintage Print currently on OKL??? They are gorgeous...and I looooove prints, a little too much I think. I would do pairs/sets of prints all over my house if it wasn't overkill (I almost, almost bought yet another pair of prints at HomeGoods last night).

So as a print-lover, these are killer. And there are some gorgeous sets available here...they are a little pricey, but don't a set of prints make such a lovely impact in a room? So elegant and symmetrical...this sale has many to pick from (and as I type, I believe these are all still available)...

For the sea/beach/nautical lover:

For the butterfly lover (I think these are my favorite...I have a very similar print in my living room, but I only found one...I would have loved a set like this - I love the black mixed with the vibrant colors)...

For the nature lover...


For the equestrian (these are my second favorite!)

For the vintage fashionista:

I'll take them all :)


  1. Love them all...esp. the fashionable ladies.

  2. Love the nautical ones! Do tell us what set of prints you passed up at HG last evening. They must have been really good to catch your eye!

  3. Vickie, I should have snapped a pic with my phone...no doubt I will be back to HG this week, so I'll snap a pic if I see them (or maybe bring them home with me!)

  4. Ha ha I thought of you when I saw those!

    I love them. I actually have one of the butterfly prints in my home office.

    You can get the print for free off of the NYC library database and I just printed it out myself.


  5. I must have the horse prints!!!! By the way, I have a photo to email you of the D-inspired addition to my living room. xo Kat

  6. I love these. Too bad I'm quickly running out of wall space!
