Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Crush

Image by Patrick Cline via Lonny

Manly Chinoiserie. The bar of a gentleman. Courtesy of John Robshaw via Lonny. Did you notice the Greek key trim? My fascination with bar vignettes continues...

The new issue of Lonny is out today. Seems like I'm always an issue behind, but I love every moment of every page. Get it while it's hot.

Carter is running a marathon this weekend. As in 26.2 miles of non-stop motion. With sweat. And pain. I can't fathom it. And he can't fathom spending 6 hours in a fabric store. And to be honest, by the time I'm done with a fabric run, I have likely traversed 26.2 miles myself. With sweat. And delight.

I will be cheering him on as he completes this feat of strength this weekend! Hope you all have wonderful weekends...see you Monday!


  1. Hi Daniela,

    Thank you so much for your advice on the cabinet for the dining room. I will keep you posted on the DR design. =)

    Happy Holidays!

  2. Did I notice the Greek key design?? D!!! Thunk of your audience! Of course! LOVED it immediately too! xo

  3. I absolutely adore this bar set up. Hope to try to recreate!
