Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Crush

Photo by Patrick Cline via Lonny

Let's be clear that I'm crushing on the entire Lonny issue. But this picture sent my heart racing into perfect Christmas territory. I adore the color scheme, the tree, the ribbon, that chair. Everything is beautiful. Even the radiator looks chic. Designed by Eileen Kathryn Boyd.

We have a packed weekend with holiday soirees! I'm very excited to spend time with lots of friends, co-workers and family to toast the holiday. Have a great weekend, grab those last minute gifts, and see you Monday!


  1. I love radiators...I'm sure you weren't expecting that, but there is something about them that I just adore. I have a 75 year old home and the guy who had it before me gutted it and removed all of the awesome radiators and I get so sad when I think about it! Take care!

  2. Even though I'm a little late, I love your Christmas tree and mantle! Just lovely!

    And that WHOLE issue of Lonny was a dream - I love color and use lots of it in my house - and that issue was over the top!
