Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Crush

Image by Emily Anderson via

Bailey McCarthy's bedroom in the latest issue of Rue. I spy Leontine Linens and the most perfect shade of mint green on her walls. I love that shade of green - so nice with the pink and the blue. And the bed canopy is attainable if you put on your DIY hat. Wonderfully well done sleeping quarters.

Have a lovely weekend. See you Monday!



  1. Mint green with hints of hot pink so pretty for a spring day.Have a great weekend.

  2. Although I would not have put the monogram on the shams in addition to the coverlet, it is a lovely, fresh bed and achievable as a DIY project.

  3. Gorgeous! I can't see having a white coverlet in my house (with a german shepherd that sleeps on the bed), but that room is beautiful!

  4. With such a prim & proper preppy bedroom I think it is quite refreshing to see the very small, but humorous cat oil painting highlighed above the bed. Lest we not take ourselves too seriously. Love it! (and not a cat fan)
