Thursday, June 16, 2011

Modern Touch

Photo by Pieter Estersohn via Architectural Digest

The modern touch of the electric blue parsons table is wonderfully brilliant in this space. Overall this dining room is a wee bit too traditional for my taste, but with the table, I instantly love it. The juxtaposition of opposite elements always gets me.

Do you lean more toward cohesive spaces or ones that serve up some tension?


  1. I've been trying to do a modern chinoiserie (actually, not quite - it would be the Indian equivalent, but I haven't come up with the right term!) and Anglophilia mix at my house. I'm using red West Elm wrap chairs mixed in with a couple of other red chairs at a metal-and-glass dining table, with vintage Colman's Mustard posters on one wall and a trio of mendhi-inspired art prints on the other. The dining room is open to the living room, where we have an old secretary desk and a red reupholstered high-backed chair that are family pieces, mission-style futon sofas, and our ketubah framed in a gilt ornate frame that befits the intricate artwork.

    Sorry - long post - I've been reading your blog for a while!

  2. Hmmm....I like a little bit of tension, but to me this room looks like a mistake. Like the table is the last thing to go as they go from a funky young space to a grown up traditional space, and the new table just hasn't arrived...For me, you need at least one more modern element in a traditional setting to signal that you're doing it on purpose.

    That said, I say bravo: I NEVER would have thought to do this!
