Monday, August 15, 2011

Heather Safferstone

I am so excited to share this web design project today! You may remember a little post I did about Heather a while back...she's a lovely design talent working as an Associate Designer at Sally Steponkus Interiors here in DC.

I was thrilled when Heather asked if I could design a snazzy portfolio website so she could have a place to send potential clients to view her past and current work. I'm happy to say our project is complete and I think it looks terrific.

I love Heather's crisp, tailored aesthetic and her use of color. Her spaces always feel bright, open, and inviting. Check out some of my favorites:

All images by Angie Seckinger via

You really must get to know Heather.  Visit her online portfolio.


  1. Beautiful work by the both of you!

  2. I'm as proud as a mama bear could be! Heather has turned into a wonderful decorator and I'm so lucky to have her on my team. Great work on her site, Daniela!

  3. Love Heather's work and her seamless use of color! Great job too on her website - it really represents her work well. Hope you're having a great summer!

  4. Love the fresh look (both her designs and your work for her)...and thanks for sharing. And ah...I spent every summer growing up about 45 minutes from Asheville....DC is lucky she was willing to leave that beautiful part of the country!

  5. Anonymous8/16/2011

    I love the drapery fabric in the bedroom and the blinds in the study, i found something similar to this on the DecoratorsBest site. Absolutely adorable!
