Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Crush

As we ride the purple popularity wave, let's take a moment to contemplate this specimen of perfection I spotted over at Chinoiserie Chic. I know I talk about my dining room colors of green + plum incessantly, but this wallpaper is truly perfect for my space. If I had all of the dollars in the world, I would totally paper my dining room in purple de Gournay. Wow, wow, wow.

Have a wonderful weekend! See you Monday.



  1. I recently had a project where the mural I specified from Stark was not sized correctly for the bathroom wall. I had my faux finisher copy the design onto the walls. It's gorgeous! Another option is to have it painted on canvas then applied like wallpaper; you can remove it at anytime! bonus!

  2. It's gorgeous, playful, dramatic... Reminds me of that House Beautiful dining room from last month, but better. The color palette IS amazing! Dollars always help. Sigh.

  3. Anonymous7/04/2012

    It is really something.
