Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Crush

Image via Pinterest via Flickr via this means I don't know the source

Can anyone name the designer of this fantastic dining space that I believe was featured in domino back in the day? The color scheme of red + black + cobalt is quite fetching. And the chairs are fantastic (leather seats?) and I love a modern lacquered dining table - reminds me of this one. Yet another image that I find making the case for white walls (and high ceilings, though I already worship that tenet).

Have a wonderful Halloween weekend! Carter is running the Marine Corps Marathon this Sunday so let's all pull together and send him lovely thoughts to keep him motivated circa mile 22. See you Monday!



  1. I remember this story--it was about flexible furniture, and that table splits to be two demilunes. (There was also a coffee table that pulled up to be a dining table, that kind of thing). I think it was probably put together by the Domino team--unless it was the "real" space that inspired the rest of the story.

  2. We really like the black chairs.Have a good weekend.

  3. I remember that one! Love the table.
