Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Crush

Surprise! I went to Spain! Carter and I were soaking up the Spanish sun last week and just got back this week. It was an AMAZING trip to celebrate both our 5-year wedding anniversary coming up in April and Carter's birthday. This picture I took with my cell phone in Toledo - our hotel had a fantastic rooftop terrace and I took this picture on Carter's actual birthday as the sun was setting and we were splitting a bottle of wine. Yes, it was incredible. Carter was the main photographer so I'll look through his pictures and if I see some good ones, I'll post them next week.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend...see you Monday!


  1. Magnificent! so glad you got to get away, and soak up BEAUTY in this world! Have a great weekend.
    P.S. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Anonymous3/18/2012

    LOOKS AWSOME:) I really like your blog so much nice inspiration...I wish you a very lovely week:)

    LOVE Maria at
