Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Budget-friendly Toile Bedroom

This iconic bedroom that uses Manuel Canovas wallpaper has always been one of my favorites.

Design by Melissa Rufty

I have professed my love for two twin beds used together and the color scheme, headboards, monograms, etc are just totally up my alley. Love it all.

I'm going to wager that papering a wall (or a whole room) in to-die-for Manuel Canovas is likely a budget-buster for me, but I found this awesome toile fabric from P Kaufmann that has a similar feel and great colorways - two vibrant ones for a punch like above and one neutral one for a more calm take on this look.

All three fabrics are $18/yd, so very budget friendly. 

And yes, this is fabric and not wallpaper but don't forget that you can wallpaper your walls using fabric and it's pretty easy!


  1. The designer is Melissa Rufty.

  2. Anonymous6/06/2012

    You know you can have fabric made into wallpaper, I did that for my kitchen. There is a place in Pennsylvania that will do it, quick turnaround. I got my fabric paperbacked and had a paper hanger install it.
