Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Crush

Design by Cynthia Walker, Photo by Jason Penney, via House of Turquoise

I think pregnancy comes with a side order of crazy because suddenly, I'm obsessed with the thought of wanting a vacation home. I keep having mental images of a small, totally simple cabin - all white walls with simple wood furnishings. When I recently spotted this room by Cynthia Walker on HOT it was like my vision materialized right in front of my eyes...well, a really awesome version of my vision because this is way fancier than what I could put together. But isn't it SO pretty?? One day, folks.

Not gonna lie, I'm psyched that it's August and that September is just around the corner. Come on autumn...I'm waiting for you! Have a great weekend...see you Monday!


  1. Looks like a relaxing location. A little tucked away home away from home. Have a great weekend!

  2. Anonymous8/21/2012

    After 25 years of vacation homes - one in the mountains and one at the beach - I've gotta say I'm tired of schlepping. Truly, when I look back, I do remember a whole lot of schlepping and faxing myself notes to remember what is missing for the next trip.

    I say rent! There's always a perfect little house/condo to rent wherever you want to go!

    Well, maybe with baby stuff it would be nice to have a place all set up...
