Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Joe Nye's Colorful Eye

I have always been a devotee of the school of Joe Nye and now that I am pulling such inspiration from his own bedroom for the nursery, I can't help but fall in love with his work and style all over again.

This man has skillz. Look at this room he did for the House Beautiful Showhouse back in 2006:

Images via

I believe the curtains are once again our beloved Le Lac but in a pink + blue colorway. I adore how Mr. Nye pops off his color explosion with black. It looks so amazing. And while this room may not be your cup of tea (and I must admit that I would change a teensy weensy thing or two to suit my particular taste), you have to recognize that it's well-designed, really fun to look at, and it works. Or maybe I'm putting words in your mouth, but I love it!!

And if you are jonesing for those plates that he uses on his divine table setting, they are the Chinatown collection from home, james!

Lastly, if you don't own Joe's book Flair you are doing yourself and your loved ones a disservice. So much inspiration within its will instantly make you a happier person. Best $20 you've spent in a long time - trust me. Buy Flair here.


  1. Wow! Very nice. Without the pops of black this room would have been too sweet for me. But the black grounds it- matures it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous8/23/2012

    I always go back to this pink sofa ever since I saw the one in,I believe, was one of Lee Raziwill's apts. Its got to be the perfect pink with no trace of mauve. I love the way twin beds were yesterday but there are some great sets on Etsy right now if you're interested. Rosalind
