Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Twin Bedrooms Board

I have professed my love for the twin bedroom - a bedroom that contains two twin beds in an often symmetrical fashion. And maybe if the room is large enough, two full beds! Either way, I love this look. In fact, I am setting up the nursery to transition into a twin bedroom once baby is ready for big girl quarters.

I was delighted to see that one of our favorite bloggers, Erin of House of Turquoise, has a whole Pinterest board devoted just to these rooms.

Some of my favorite pins:

I obviously need to get on creating my own twin bedroom board but until then, I will loyally stalk Erin's. Check it out here...


  1. I am right there with you in loving matching twin beds. I have two in my youngest's room but unfortunately they cannot sit side by side.I can't wait to see the nursery.

  2. Ooh I adore twin bedrooms! (Obviously!) Thank you so much for the shout-out and links!!
