Friday, September 28, 2012

Three Years

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Today marks three years for Aesthetic Oiseau. Have you been reading for three years? If you have, thank you and I hope I've helped you or made you laugh. I'll take either.

Folks ask me how I do it and I'm actually not sure. I just know that this blog is my heart so it's not hard. I can always find a couple of minutes here and there to document something beautiful. Three years have flown by and I have to admit that I'm a little anxious as to what is to come with the baby. I know posts will definitely be more sporadic come late December but my absolute intention is to keep posting as much as possible to get back on a regular schedule...eventually. I love it too much.

I was thinking if my tastes have changed over these past three years having been knee-deep in the design blog world and adding three years to my age and experience...and I can't say that they have. Perhaps I see myself holding on to the traditional a little more than I used to...realizing that for me, beauty lies in the old and the classic...while also knowing that the spice of design life is pairing the classic with the new and unexpected.

Year four will be marked by my wee design assistant...I'm positive life will make a sharp turn for the better and I'm happy to welcome a change that perhaps makes me see design through new eyes?

I know commenting on blog posts isn't as hip as it used to be (and I can point a finger at myself on that one) but just know that every time you comment or reach out, I love to hear from you. I write this blog for myself but the absolute best byproduct is making a connection with like-minded people. Your interest in my thoughts makes me happy, so thank you very much.

On to year four...


  1. I remember when we met - was it the Michael S. Smith lecture? You had just started Aesthetic Oiseau. Since then, your blog has become a favorite and my first visit every morning. Moreover, you are the best web designer around and I still think my blog designs for Chinoiserie Chic and Style Redux are the most beautiful of all.

    Congratulations on three years, on your beautiful home, and your baby girl on the way. If I know you, you will find a way to balance it all.

    1. Thanks, Beth :) Yes, it was the Michael S. Smith lecture. How time flies...and your support is always kind and appreciated!

  2. Congrats and Happy Anniversary Lady!!!

    1. Thanks, Danika! Meeting you was one of the highlights of year three :)

  3. Anonymous9/28/2012

    I haven't been with you since the beginning but once I discovered your great blog it has been a daily check-in for me ... thanks for the inspiration and great ideas I get here and wishing you the best blogging year ever as you begin your 4th "season". And best wishes for the upcoming staff addition too.


  4. That is quite a milestone! I am sure your baby will be all the more inspiration as you navigate the world of mommyhood. Best of luck in the coming year.

  5. Thank you, Kerry. Can't wait to see what kind of inspiration comes along with baby...

  6. Congratulations! I admire your commitment to your blog (it's not always easy for me to blog!) and I LOVE your content! Thanks for the inspiration!
    Victoria Sanchez

    1. Thanks, Victoria! Glad you are a reader - I enjoy seeing your work about town :)

  7. Congrats pretty girl! You and your blog rock! Can't wait to meet your little assistant!!!

  8. Congratulations! Three years is a long time in blogland. Looking forward to year 4.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Three years isn't too shabby for a blog, is it? Glad you are following along...

  9. In our drapery workroom, since I do all the purchasing and customer service online, I share your blog when it shows up, with the seamstresses. I have to say it's right up there with waiting on new bolts to be delivered. They all enjoy the inspiration. Hope you keep it up. (We didn't know it wasn't hip).

    1. Ha! It's totally hip...just seems to be a dying practice which makes me appreciate your comments that I see pop up often. And thank you for sharing the blog with the workroom!

  10. Congratulations! Your blog is beautiful, and no doubt reflects the true you. So glad that I found it.

    1. Thanks so much - glad you found it too!

  11. HUGE congrats, Daniela! I always look forward to each and every one of your posts and continue to be excited at all the wonderfulness that you and your new little assistant may cook up!

    1. Thank you so much! I too am looking forward to how my assistant will spice things up around here :)

  12. Congratulations! I never miss one of your posts and you are among my favorites! Glad you hope to keep on keeping on!!!

  13. I enjoy following your blog "down here" in Birmingham, AL. Congrats!!

    1. I need to visit Birmingham...I'm sure I'd love it. Thanks, Hayley!

  14. I can't believe that it's been three years already! Congrats on keeping this great blog going at such an amazing level. I know that Little Miss Shuffler will have lots to contribute when she arrives! xoxo

    1. Thanks, Sheils. I have a feeling things will start getting pretty interesting once a baby is in tow...

  15. Wonderful! After a trip to the Keurig, looking at your blog is one of the first things I do when I get to work in the morning--a nice little ritual to start the day. (Didn't know commenting wasn't cool anymore. I'm always the last to know!)

    1. So glad I'm part of your routine, Elise. And commenting is still very hip so I encourage you to do it here every day :)

  16. I have never left a comment on a blog before, but I enjoy your blog immensely. I will not lose heart if I see less frequent posts and will know it's because you are adjusting to life with your new baby. When the time is right, you will be glad to get back to blogging in full swing. I bet those will be the best posts yet to come!

    1. Lindsey....thank you. Seriously...because that is exactly how I want readers who like my blog to feel. If I suddenly drop off it's because of baby and eventually I'll be back with some sort of regularity. I'll just need to adjust to it all. Thanks for the confidence and for reading the blog!

  17. Besos from your biggest hidden fan (i read daily, but never comment). Am so proud of you, dear friend...
    Love, Margaret

    1. Hahaha...thanks, Marge. I always know you're out there :) xoxoxo

  18. Anonymous9/30/2012

    I'm one of the non-commenters, but for a quick check in - I've been following your blog for about a year and LOVE it. I have no idea where I first heard about you, but I'm glad I did. You've given me lots of ideas and enjoyment. I LOVE your sense of color. Thank you!!
    -Amy in GA

    1. Thanks, Amy. I do love color! Glad you've found some helpful ideas here :)

  19. Congratulations, your blog is wonderful. I invite you to know my blog decoration, greats from Brazil.

  20. Anonymous9/30/2012

    I remember I was looking for azalea fabric for a bedroom chaise for my daughter's room and I found on images your dining room drape fabric. Wish there had been more. Its funny you said how your tastes have changed in three years. Hold on to your first tear pages; you'll find in later years your own taste will fight the fads and you'll be back to Chinoiserie, white furniture and green and lavender. True taste in decorating for what pleases you, never fails. Lately I see more neutral browns and dark looks coming in as favorites on your blog, but I think that is the reason you never really liked your master bedroom colors; they didn't look like you. Just my two cents of a loyal reader.

    1. Anon, thank you for your insight :) And I very much agree with you...I definitely keep coming back to things I loved years ago. And will continue to do so! And my master definitely needs a little something...I'm glad I went more tailored in that room but it needs some color. Thanks for reading!

  21. Amazing...three years has flown! I enjoy reading every single day. If I can manage, I wait to read your Friday post over the weekend so I don't go through withdrawal before Monday morning. Keep it coming!

    1. Ha...that's a great plan, Jo. Thanks for reading!! xo

  22. Amazing...three years has flown! I enjoy reading every single day. If I can manage, I wait to read your Friday post over the weekend so I don't go through withdrawal before Monday morning. Keep it coming!

  23. Katie Laning Niebaum10/01/2012

    WOOHOO!!! Congrats, D. I so enjoy your good taste.

  24. Anonymous10/02/2012

    Congratulations, D! I've been following since Day 1, and it just gets better and better. Reading your thoughts from here in Hong Kong now is like a warm, familiar dash of "home" each day :) I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you! xo Kat

    1. Thanks, Kat! Hope you guys are enjoying your international adventure!

  25. Congratulations! Your blog is in my top five every morning - considering the millions who are out there blogging, that's high praise. I love seeing the traditional things that you post, and of course the chinoiserie! Being on the West Coast, it's interesting to see what's going on in the East/South. All the best with your newest little project!

    1. Thanks, Karen! I love being in your top five :)

  26. I just discovered you last week and I am hooked. I look forward to following you from now on. Congratulations on the new baby. Your life will completely change, for the better.

  27. Thanks, Debbie. And welcome!

  28. Anonymous11/01/2012

    Congratulations Daniela...I LOVE your blog and I have been a regular reader for a couple of years now and I look forward to many more!!

  29. Congrats on three years of blogging --- I haven't even finish my first, but what fun it has been. I adore your blog! Congratulations are also in order for your coming bundle of joy -- I wish you an easy labor and healthy baby! My brother & his wife David & Lori (former Alexandria sojourners) just had their baby today in SC. I am sure you will find time to blog between nap times : ) Much happiness and good fortune to you in year 4. Amal at
