Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Saturated Blue + Golden Khaki

I recently pinned two consecutive images and did not realize until after how similar they are in color scheme. Both fuse beautiful, saturated cobalt tones of blue with warm, golden tones of khaki to create stunning spaces.

The first is from one of my favorites, Celerie Kemble - an upper west side NYC living room that Kemble Interiors posted on Twitter:

LOOK at those marbled columns...I would say that in most cases, were I to confront those columns in person, I would dislike them. But in this room they are just spectacular. I wonder if they were created as part of the room or if they already existed and the room needed to work around them? Either way they create a gorgeous symmetrical focal point...and the symmetry continues with the face-to-face (velvet?) caramel couches and golden wishbone chairs. Lovely, comfortable and very luxe.

The second is a dining room by Michael Carter that I spotted on The Foo Dog Ate My Homework:

This is how khaki walls should be used! Is that Schumacher's Nanjing on the curtains? I can't tell but of course I'm all over those bamboo blinds too. I love a round dining table, and this one is beautifully scaled to work with those peacock (velvet?) chairs. I thought the lantern was my dear Portola by Troy, but it's a similar, sleeker version that still has all of the whimsical appeal that I love. I also like the milky whites used throughout.

Stunning! Do you have a favorite?


  1. I can't see the pattern clearly, it could be Waverly's Orientale in Porcelain.

  2. What it goes to prove is that blues love to hang around with each other. My favorite blue team goes from cobalt to turquoise, this is close with teal to Blue Willow.

  3. I love these colors together. That first room is one of my favorites of all time. So many beautiful elements.
