Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Easy Gift Wrapping

For as creative as I fancy myself to be, I'm not so great with the gift wrapping. I lack patience and so creating beautiful packages for my gifts is a tough endeavor. But I recently found a great idea for those of us that are gift-wrapping challenged...something simple, very pretty and inexpensive.

Get yourself a big ol' roll of kraft paper like this one:

Wrap your gifts and then adorn your simple package with one of these gorgeous tags from Etsy seller Indelible Impressions:

Aren't they beautiful? I really think a simple paper package with one of these stunning tags would be all you need. The tags are a smidge more than $1/piece so using them wouldn't break the bank. And creating an assortment of brown packages with beautiful tags would look very pretty under your tree.

And when Christmas is over, the shop carries a multitude of other fun tags to help you finish up that roll of paper:

I think that's what Martha Stewart would call a Good Thing.


  1. I adore kraft paper. It has so many uses!

  2. I use kraft paper for every holiday and birthday. It's so nice to have just one wrap that works (and looks great) for absolutely everything.

  3. Definitely a good thing...adore the tags!

  4. These are beautiful. I love to wrap in Kraft paper with fabulous ribbons of all kinds.
    xo Nancy

  5. Thanks so much for your comments on my tags! I love making them and would love for you to stop by my shop to take a look at my other goodies.
