Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Crush

Has this image been all over Pinterest and blogs and possibly a well-known shelter mag? Because as of late, I'm kind of living in the dark...totally behind on blogs, Pinland and my mags. So forgive if you've seen this, but I just saw it whilst checking in on Angie Hranowsky's site and I love, love it. Don't you adore the crown molding detail? It's little things like that that really make a room special. 

And what I love most about this room is that it's achievable. The headboards would be a little tough to come by but you could certainly get a similar look. This doesn't make the room boring or commonplace - it's obvious that a designer has been here and Angie's touch certainly sets this room apart. But the elements are simple enough to be put together by normal humans.

I had a nutty bananas week...hence the low posting. I am very much looking forward to this weekend and getting in my cuddles with AC...this working parent thing is hard! Hope you have a wonderful weekend...see you next week!


  1. Yes! This is such a pretty space! Love that it's sweet and sophisticated with a touch of bohemian, yes?

  2. Anonymous4/06/2013

    Gorgeous. I have not seen this elsewhere so thanks for posting!
