Monday, August 26, 2013



Let's look at my house! All this yammering about interiors and y'all are maybe wondering how I've been translating my blog thoughts into my own spaces? Maybe?

You've seen bits and pieces here and there but then I fell off the photo train...for a looong time. But I have taken photos! They are not great but they will do! You will see AC's nursery! And our basement family room renovation! And so much more!

So, we'll kick things off Labor Day with a little refresher on Ana Claire's nursery plans and then TUESDAY I'll serve up Ana Claire's nursery pictures. You've been so patient.

From there, I'll aim to post a room every week with a little back story in the first post and then some photo goods in the following'll be a weekly twofer.

Happy Monday!


  1. Can't wait! (But the "AO House Tour" graphic got my hopes all up this Monday morning, and now I have to wait. Ahhh..the waiting.)

  2. Looking forward to it!

  3. Can't wait for this!!
