Friday, September 27, 2013

Four Years

Photo by Laurey W. Glenn via Southern Living

Four years, y'all. Tomorrow marks four years of this blog. That is a long time. A long, happy time.

I'm always thankful that I've been blessed with a passion. My total love for design truly makes me happy to go through my day, everyday. Carter and Ana Claire obviously add to that, but the design part is all about me. And that's what this blog has always been - that part of me.

I'm happy to say that although motherhood has given my life a new layer this past year, it's only made me want to write this blog more. To keep up with what I love not only for me, but to show Ana Claire that dedication is a powerful thing. I don't care what Ana Claire becomes in life (though shelter mag editor or interior designer would be great, no pressure) but I want her to be passionate about something. Like, all in, all the time passionate. I think that when you're passionate about something positive, you're happy (and usually successful).

Thanks for reading my blog, truly. Sharing my thoughts with you is icing on my passion cake. When I hear that something you've read has influenced you or inspired you - well, that just makes my day.

On to year five! Hmmm…I think a party will be in order for the five year anniversary. I love a good party.


  1. Happy 4 years! Here's to another 4 :-)

  2. Congratulations on 4 years! Aesthetic Oiseau is one of my absolute favorite blogs. I remember us meeting at the Corcoran shortly after you started it. This post is so spot on regarding passion and happiness - the two are so linked and sharing this with your daughter is so important.

  3. Congrats on the 4 years! I love your blog! Keep up the inspiration and good work.

  4. Congratulations!!! 4 years of giving an inspiration. Keep it up.

  5. Congrats to you! I really love your blog - it's simple and inspiring. The fact that you're based in DC and a new mom (I am too!) makes it even more meaningful. More AO to come!
