Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Crush

Design by Carolyne Roehm via here and here

I love a good bust of Jefferson (Wahoowa!) but I have to admit I've never seen one look quite as chic as this one does in this table arrangement by Carolyne Roehm. The colors are just chock full of autumnal the mix of jewel tones with the traditional blue and white porcelain and, of course, Mr. Jefferson.  And that table...woah. Thanks to Beth for pinning this winner. 

Speaking of autumn....where did it go? It's supposed to be almost 90 degrees here this weekend. What? NOT OK. 

Hope you have a fabulous weekend, whatever the weather in your neck of the woods. See you Monday!


  1. Hope your AC isn't shut down yet! haha Leave it to our crazy weather here. Love Carolyn's work -she has such a good eye. What do you think of the color coded books?

    1. Love how they look...but a little too styled for my own home. I love smaller stacks of color-coded books, but an entire bookshelf that is color coordinated isn't my thing. But I love to look at it in pictures! :)
