Monday, December 16, 2013

Raggedy Ann Christmas Tree

Do your children have a color palette? Ana Claire does. Is that because I'm a weird designer mom or do parents do that? Since before she was born I gravitated toward the combination of red, pink and blue. There is nary a yellow, green or purple outfit to be found in her closet.

So being that the child's palette is red, pink and blue, a Raggedy Ann themed first birthday party was an obvious choice. And celebrating Ana Claire's birthday so close to Christmas meant that, clearly, our Christmas tree had to match her birthday party theme. I couldn't have an all-green and white situation competing with my her red/pink/blue party.

Also, I kind of switched up the Christmas color scheme in our living room last year to a more traditional palette of reds, greens and blues. Remember our stockings?

SO WHAT I'M SAYING IS, the tree got a makeover this year. And it began with this little idea I had of wrapping sweet blue ribbon around candy canes:

And one of our gifts to Ana Claire for her birthday was this Raggedy Ann ornament:

And then it kinda spiraled from there into this:

And the twinkly evening favorite:

Now, keep in mind, virtually everything on this tree is new so I had to really keep tight on the budget. The ribbons are present toppers that I just separated out into individual strands and tied to the branches. The candy canes were obvi low cost but have a great impact. The balls and bead garland are from Target. And the painted ornaments are wooden ones that I picked up at AC Moore for $1 and painted to match the tree.

I must say, I am really digging it. Thanks for having a birthday so close to Christmas, baby girl. Gave mama an excuse to redecorate. Although I will likely not repeat this tree next year, I do like that I have more of a red/blue foundation to build upon to jive with our stockings and our blue and white porcelain in the living room. Just think I'll add a little more green to it next year.


  1. Anonymous12/16/2013

    Your tree is adorable. How perfect for Ana Claire's first Christmas. I hope you have started a baby book for her. What you and Carter are doing is priceless and needs to be documented. She will adore this the older she gets and it will become one of her favorite keepsakes.


  2. Alexandra12/17/2013

    Gumps has a beautiful Raggedy Ann ornament, if you want to add another to your tree!
