Thursday, March 27, 2014


Now these are recliners I can get behind. Or lay on.

Design by Diamond Baratta, image via

Are you generally against recliners but have had to wage the recliner battle at home? Or at least the comfy chair battle? Comfy and stylish are not mutually exclusive. A happy medium can be found. Not to say these chairs would be as comfortable as a huge, squishy recliner but they look pretty great for lounging and look pretty bomb in this room. That mirror, wall color and carpet sing with the chair upholstery. Have you ever seen such interesting chairs? Imagine when that fire is roaring...


  1. Holy cow! I didn't think there were any stylish recliners. These are really amazing! Thanks for the great post!

  2. a chair with an ottoman (especially cool ones like these) will ALWAYS beat out a recliner although I HAVE seen some recliners where the moving foot is totally hidden and you would never know. But still never... NO..RECLINERS... EVAH!!!! (in my best Joan Crawford imitation).

  3. The best recliner will give you a comfortable place to relax, and we can help you find the right one best brand recliners

  4. The other choice is a cylinder driven manual framework. A cylinder driven framework will give lift one way. For the most part, the grade is given help. Your body weight is utilized to lean back the seat.

    Seat Massage: The seat can give knead either from underneath the seat or from the seat pad. Back rub heads can be consolidated in the seat underneath a pad. These might be rotating heads incorporated with the seat. Vibration can be utilized either underneath the seat or in the seat pad. In the seat pad is a mix of air packs, vibration engines and notwithstanding warming components. The seat pad plays out the back rub specifically.
