Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Table

We had a lovely Easter. I snapped some photos of my table which, miraculously, I put together in, not 5 minutes before everyone came over.

This actually gave me time to pull out several beautiful things that I constantly have stored away...

Highlights include:

- My $1 yard sale vase that had the perfect pastel palette to work with.
- One of my favorite sweetgrass baskets.
- A striped tablecloth that was a yardish of fabric I had stashed away.
- Gorgeous white scalloped placemats that just don't come out often enough.
- Silver chargers that I believe were Mama Jo's (Carter's grandmother).
- Our wedding crystal (p.s. Today is our 7th wedding anniversary).
- My favorite fig napkin holders.
- My Christmas present plates.
- Tiffany candlesticks - also a wedding gift.

Really love how it turned entertaining win.

And then there was this nugget of Easter joy:

At first, she didn't quite get that you were supposed to pick up the eggs - she preferred to hang on to two I had given her and walk around the yard. But once she realized the eggs were to be collected and placed in a fashionable basket, there was NO stopping her. She cleaned up.

Hope you had a lovely weekend.


  1. Love what you did with your table. So chic. I posted about my Easter table today too(!) - with that china you like! xo Olivia

  2. obsessed with your style!! and blog :) so happy I stumbled across it! (mine is: I'm in need of a revamp/rebrand, so I may need to email you since you do blog design, yes?!
