Thursday, May 22, 2014

Bow Tie Fabric

Carter is known for his bow ties. The man loves nothing more than a sharp-looking neck knot and has amassed quite the collection over the years. So when I saw this fabric from Baker Lifestyle, I instantly thought of my better half:

The little hand-drawn bow ties are so sweet yet the colors are nice and adult-like...meaning the fabric can go either way. I would love to see this on an upholstered rocking chair in a little man's room (especially in the blue and sand colorway) or on a club chair in a big man's study.

Would also be great as a roman shade in a dressing room or bathroom...See all colors here (there is even one for the ladies).


  1. Love this--great find as always! Might have to use it in Adam's office to lighten the mood of the room up a bit.

  2. Such a cute fabric. Love

  3. Love, love this fabric Daniela! I know you will find a way to use it!!

    The Arts by Karena
