Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday Crush

Not sure if I'm more excited about my own announcement this week or Schumacher's - Miles Redd will be debuting a fabric line with them this fall!

I'm always thrilled to hear about designer collaborations with my favorite fabric lines - though occasionally I'm left a bit underwhelmed, I know the Redd-Schumacher combo is a winner. Miles Redd is just pure decorating genius...this line will be sensational and I will be anxiously awaiting its arrival. Read more about it here...

Thank you for the warm wishes about Baby Boy Shuffler this week! I'm so happy that you are in the know. I'm also thrilled Fall has unofficially arrived, though you wouldn't know it with the 90+ degree temps we've been having here. But I'm sure the end is in sight and I can go back to my uniform of (maternity) leggings and boots all day, every day.

1 comment:

  1. I am of course so excited for you Daniela!
    Miles Collection is sure to please us with his curated eye for design!

    The Arts by Karena
