Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New Work from Sally Steponkus

The Leontine Linens event last week was lovely, I hope you went. I'll have some pictures tomorrow...but the major bonus for me was catching up with Sally.  And she informed me that there was some new work to enjoy on her website so I'm doing my public duty and reposting some of my favorites here for you:

All photos by Angie Seckinger

Sally's talent (in my opinion) is her ability to edit a space. She really lets architecture, subtle color, form, etc, do the work. You won't see a hodge-podge of tchotchkes in Sally's spaces. She's too tailored. And when you see her rooms they are so lovely and pleasing as everything quietly works together - falling into place to create a gorgeous room.

And though her work may be crisp and tailored, Sally is SUCH a personality. Not that those traits are mutually exclusive, but I think she's a breath of fresh air when you meet her. And when I see a space like the one below, I see Sally's twinkle coming through:

Check out more of Sally's - and her whole team's - work over at their website...

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  1. Thats my favorite part about Sally -her sense of fun (in life AND in her work!)

  2. Peggy Crockett10/14/2014

    Where can I buy that chandelier?

  3. Love her style, fun and fresh!!

    The Arts by Karena
