Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Shuffler Lowcountry Boil

Every year, right around my birthday, we host what we like to think of as our signature event as a family - the Shuffler Lowcountry Boil. It's always mid-late October so the weather is usually perfect for being out the in the backyard with great food, drinks, a fire pit, family and friends.

This year we marked our 6th Lowcountry Boil and my friend Crystal brought her camera! And when Crystal has her camera there are delightful results so I have some fun pictures to share of this year's event.

The spread of goodies and disposable tableware:

All photos by Crystal Downs

The cook (Carter does all the cooking! It's great!):

The main event - shrimp, potatoes, sausage and corn boiled up with some Old Bay and served with cornbread and cocktail sauce:

My friend Lauren has a bounce house. And Ana Claire can't get enough of it:

More Ana Claire, in her smocked scarecrow suit:

Lots of adorable children:

And, finally, Paige (Crystal's daughter) and Ana Claire eating cupcakes:

These little nuggets have known each other since Day 1:

They were born one week apart. I can't take the cuteness.

A hearty thanks to Carter who pulls the majority of this event off! This year was one of the best yet...hope you enjoyed the pictures!


  1. Anonymous10/21/2014

    What a perfect party and what cute, cute, cute children!!! Yay for Carter for going the mile! I'm proud of you son:-)

  2. I just came to your web page to re-subscribe. It has been a LONG time since I've gotten any of your blog updates via email, and I thought perhaps you changed something and my subscription got dropped. However, it is showing that I am already subscribed! Can you help with this?? I am not sure what is wrong. Thank you!! I cold not see any other way to contact you. The email link for Daniella Schuffler brings up an error message.

  3. Love a low country boil. Thanks for the party inspiration idea, Daniella!
