Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Crush

My absolute favorite find of the whole Greenbrier trip was this BANANAS cherry wallpaper by Carleton Varney called Kate's Mountain Berries. They had it for sale in one of the gift shops and I wanted to bring rolls and rolls of it home with me and paper every single surface with it. And let's discuss how perfect it is for Christmas! It might be inspiring my Christmas card this year. I'm adding it to my dream wallpaper wishlist (imagine a powder room with black and white tile and a red pagoda lantern!)

As you can see, I'm still riding my Greenbrier high and plan to do so as long as humanly possible. Grateful for a nice weekend at home, though. Hope you have a great weekend...see you next week!


  1. So bright fun and cheery! I can picture perfectly in the room you are describing!

    The Arts by Karena

  2. Anonymous11/14/2014

    This is a new one, but looks exactly like something DD herself would have used. So fresh and I never get tired of red. I keep coming back to it as accent..whatever. You probably read this in one of DD or CV's books, it said that she put bright cherry red wash cloths and red soap in all the guest rooms until they started running. Oh well..I'll bet they looked good dry! Glad you got to visit.
