Thursday, July 30, 2015

Beach Trip Photos

Ready for a recount of our beach trip according to my phone? Which is essentially only pictures of my children. This is why you read my blog, right??

^^Not a beach pic. And it's blurry. But he's so cute.^^

We Shufflers come alive at the beach. And in the mountains. Don't be fooled - I am not outdoorsy, but I like to be in these places. Sitting. Watching. 

Ana Claire had just about the best time a two-year-old can have. So much ice cream. A constant wet bathing suit. A non-existent bedtime. Driving the golf cart with daddy. And so many cousins to play with.

And little Mac just relaxed and enjoyed many LONG naps that he is unable to take at home with his sister's busy library-storytime-music-class-playdates schedule.

We are refreshed and happy to have had some much-needed quality time together and with extended family. 


  1. Your family is just sooo adorable Daniela! I love to see you all having so much fun!!

    The Arts by Karena

  2. Sorry to say this but keep the photos for the album and grandma. They aren't that cute. And it's not what I signed up for to read about in your blog.

  3. Lovely family, it was a cute read, thanks for sharing!
