Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hump Day Takeaway

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On this fine Wednesday, let's examine this butler's pantry and the fact that the cabinetry, walls, and molding are painted the same color. I have contemplated this in the past, but never seen it in action. And now that I have, I like it. 

The effect is great in a small (I think) pantry painted a moody gray. But I would wager that this also probably looks dynamite in a bigger kitchen make the whole kitchen feel "built-in." Now, kitchens by definition ARE built in, but the cabinets usually contrast from the walls...but what if they blended with the walls? Using a color (i.e. not white)?

I approve and I'm saving this idea for future use.

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on your blog ... I love it. I have been away a good bit of the Summer to places where internet is not available. #forreal I love the walls, cabinetry and trim all one color. I recently did this in my black ( I know!!) library ( and i love it so much. We do it in white rooms but forgt to give it a go with other colors!! I'm lovin this example!
