Thursday, January 26, 2017

Capitol Artist Collective Launch

I had the pleasure of attending the launch of the Capitol Artist Collective last night - held in Washington D.C. at the (gorgeous) home of its director, Katharine Reishman. The CapAC is the latest offshoot started by the Charleston Artist Collective, now also present in Atlanta and Nashville.

These artist collectives bring together various geographically co-located artists to promote their art through monthly themes...and the proceeds of these monthly sales go to a charity local to that collective. The art is affordable and sold directly to customers. It's a brilliant model.

The Capitol Artist Collective is bringing together artists from Central Virginia (Richmond, Charlottesville) all the way to Baltimore, with an obvious stop in D.C. The talent is rich and the works are lovely. January's theme is, appropriately, "New Beginnings" and proceeds benefit the Children's National Medical Center:

All images via Capitol Artist Collective and Artists

Local, affordable, original, gorgeous art promoting the skills of those in your community while benefiting those in need around you. Like I said, brilliant.

Check out all available works here...

1 comment:

  1. I wan unable to attend -- bummer to miss you, but thanks for sharing these beautiful paintings!
