Thursday, September 28, 2017

Eight Years

Y'all, EIGHT YEARS is how long I have been writing this blog. How is that even possible? That's a long time to do anything with any regularity. But it's a testament to my love for AO.

I've penned these posts yearly and the last several have been pretty uneventful. Life has hummed, work,, learning, loving.

But this year, I'm on the precipice of a lot of change. We have a move to a new home on the horizon. Which also means a farewell to our current home. Although the excitement of a new space for our growing family makes me TINGLE ALL OVER, the grief of leaving our current home - where we sweat, and built, and decorated, and loved, and brought home babies - literally guts me to think about. 

So I don't think about it. Or write about it just yet. 

Everything is still a bit up in the air but when it reaches finality and my brain can shift to sharing mode, I will. We will still be in Alexandria. One thing we've realized through all of our change is how much we love this town.

And A BABY. A new teeny child is joining us! What's great about not-your-first pregnancy is that you don't have a whole lot of time to sit and wait for the Christmas morning that is delivering a baby. Current kids and real life have a great way of distracting you. But the immensity of a new baby is slowly becoming real and I'm so excited about not only meeting this little wonder, but the idea that our family will be complete and it will be the beginning of forever.

So here's to an upcoming year of change. Not sure if I'm ready, but it's happening. Glad you are, and have been, along for the ride. xoxo


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